Take The Tiny Wins...
Okay, so I'm new to this whole blogging thing, but I'm gonna give it a shot.... So lets talk about one of the best and most frustrating things in this entire world..... being a parent. From the attitudes and fit throwing, to the little tiny "wins" like getting them to try just one little measly bite of the same sandwich they have eaten a thousand times before, you just never know what you're going to get from one day to the next.
Like today for example... Today is my first day off all week, and i have been looking forward to spending time with my son and getting some housework done... except for one thing, yesterday my son came home sick from his dads. Anyone who has children knows that when you have a sick kid, all hope of doing anything else is now gone. So say hello to another day with a dirty house and no laundry done. Some might ask, "Why can't you do both?" well besides the fact that all my child does is cry when he's sick, he also will not let me go anywhere without him. I mean NOWHERE. He literally does that thing where he wraps around your leg while you're walking... you know, the thing people think is just for show on TV? I'm here to tell you that is an all too real thing when you have a toddler.
Not only is he sick today, but he has also decided with every ounce of his body that the only thing that could possibly make him feel better, is "chocolate cereal" and a toy from the store! So now, he doesn't just want me to sit around the house with his sick and clingy self, he wants me to take him out in public like this when it is less than 30 degrees out and he sounds awful. My first thought is, I think not little man! But go ahead and try to tell a sick, whiny, attitude filled toddler that he isn't getting something that he wants when hes sick and not only will you get the wrath of the sickness, but they will also pull out some sort of sorcery that includes the saddest eyes and the biggest quivering lip that you have ever seen. If it isn't impossible to say no by then, that's exactly when they will pull out the "but I'm so sick and it will make me much better Mama.." Great. So I'm stuck between taking the sick toddler out in the cold to get a stupid toy because that is obviously the only thing that will make him feel better, or sticking to my guns and just dealing with the wrath of a sick 4 year old for the rest of the day. I like to pick my battles carefully, and this one seems like a loose-loose situation.
But then, a beautiful thing happened, he fell asleep! After crying about the fact that I decided we are absolutely not going to the store today, he fell asleep!!! He just closed his eyes and the crying slowly stopped. There was this beautiful thing.... silence. Which means, for the moment, I have won and that's a tiny win I'm very proud to take...
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